Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Last night I was asked by a friend if I was going to be one of those post a few and give up bloggers. I do declare- NO! With that inspiration I come to you again in the middle of math class while my students are trying their hardest to pass my test. Hah.

Yesterday was one of the worst days in my professional career. I realize of course that I have had this career for a solid 6 months, but honest to goodness. I was sitting at my desk, all befuddled when one of my students walked up to my desk. This kid is one of those that teachers dread, yet love at the same time. He is the kid who lets the most random thoughts and ideas just pop out of his mouth. At the age of 11 it is sometimes hard for him to make that choice of what is appropriate and what is just plain gross. Yesterdays comment was one of the funniest so far. He has beautiful, black, Asian hair that has needed to be cut for the last 2 months. His mom trims it when he can't see. He comes up to my desk, peals back his bangs and says, "Look Miss P! I am going through poverty. My forehead is covered in pimples!" I lost it. These kiddos are so far away from poverty that they think pimples are an epidemic. I laughingly corrected him by saying, "You mean puberty..." this inspired the girl that sits closest to my desk to blurt out, "Oh I know about puberty- The Big Change." I laughed so hard. I love the pre-pubescent classroom that I work in. I had to get a degree in Elementary Education to deal with that?

Speaking of degrees, I am studying for the GRE over the next semester. I miss school so much. I have reservations of taking the GRE for fear that I am not nearly as smart as I like to think I am. If I take it and do poorly, the jig is up...its McDonald's cashier for me.

Lastly, I decided yesterday to proceed with heart surgery. I am actually excited about it...the thought of having my life back to normal is comforting to me. Why not? I am young. I go in Feb. 12 to talk to the specialist. More to come on that subject.

To all my faithful readers, you are loved- have a blessed day and be glad you are done going through poverty. :o)