Today was simply hilarious! I cleared the desks out of the way in order to sit on the floor in a literature circle with my class. We have done this before, and they just love the time to sit and be able to talk about what we have already read. I think that they feel more grown up being able to discuss their opinions. I had one student say that he liked it because, "He can't be wrong..." classic.
So we were sitting in our circle and my students were busy jotting down something on their study guides. It was absolutely silent (something that I have spent the entire year working on with my class) as they worked hard. I too was writing and not really watching what they were doing when all of a sudden there was a familiar, yet rather non-kosher noise in the room. We all violently looked up towards the noise. One of my students sitting across the circle from me looked up at me and with the brightest red face I have ever seen and said, "Excuse me." His moment of flatulence sparked a roar of laughter amongst the fifth graders...and their teacher.
In his defense, or more for his encouragement, one of the other students said, "Well, at least it wasn't an S.B.D...Those are just horrible and unfair."
I didn't even attempt to gain control again after a comment like that. We laughed for a solid 10 minutes!
I love fifth grade!