Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Teacher Appreciation Week

Here is the card I got from one of the girls I tutor- given as editing done by me.
Front: for to cool for encouraging to me. for amazing to me. for caring to me. for happy. for everything. for righteausness in God.

Dear Mrs. Palmer
You are sunshine in my live. You have helpted me witch I adour you. I kow how butiful you are. You feel me wit Joy. You make me happy and have a tun of happyness. You make me feel like half more of A life. I thank you.
Thank you Mrs. Palmer.
From tiffany.

Priceless. This is why I teach :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I love April 1st! Since I was a child my family has celebrated this great day with jokes and pranks. It never fails, I fall for it every time! Today I was on top of my game. I woke up and said, "It's April Fools Day...don't fall for anything." So when Josh called and had some lame joke about one of my friends showing up at his house and having to take him out for breakfast, I was on it. However, I never saw this one coming:

The radio station in town (KRQ) generally has something great planned for April 1st. I had forgotten about that because I have been gone for so long. I turned on my car and pulled out of the garage. As I drove out of the ally, I heard a meowing noise. I had my window down so I figured it was the neighbors cat saying goodbye to me. Did I mention that live next to the cat lady? I continued down the street and heard it again. I looked in the back of my car and there was clearly nothing. I FEAR running over an animal because I love them so much and just know how devastated I would be to take a life. So, when nothing was in the back of my car, I kept driving. MEOW! There it was again! But I was turning my AC on! *yes, we need AC!
So I turned it up higher and there it was again! I turned off the radio and the AC to listen and see if it came back! I turned the air on wasn't sure if I heard it. I turned the radio back on, but very softly and sure enough! AGAIN! I pulled over, search the back of my car, popped the hood and took a look around. Mind you, I don't even know where the "AC" would be in my car but I figured I would see fur or something. Nothing. As I gazed into the engine of my car, it hit me- APRIL FOOLS. Ugh. I feel for it again! Stop that right meow!

So decided when I got to school this morning that I just had to do something for my students. While they were in PE today I printed off the first few pages of the Physics section of the GRE. I put my classes heading on it and photocopied 18 copies. When they came back I told them that we were going to take our science test (which is scheduled for Thursday...). Some of my students flipped on me arguing that they thought it was on Thursday! After demanding that they clear their desks and pull out a pen I placed their "test" in front of them. They labeled their papers and began reading. Some of them vocalized the fact that they had never seen anything like that before in their lives, but I had a few who even went as far to remind them that we had studied for it last week in class (which we did...just for a different test!). Some of them looked like they wanted to tackle me and some looked like they were about to cry. One of my very bright boys got up and walked over to me, placed his hands on my shoulders and said, "Miss P, I've never seen anything like this in my life. I can't even read all the words. This can't be real." I held to it. I had a student in on it who stood up and told the class to stop crying about it and try it because it wasn't that hard...I went with it for about 5 minutes before I yelled out "April FOOOOOLS!" They almost died. I am pretty satisfied with my year I will think of something even better!

I love teaching.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

Valentines Day in fifth grade is a big stinking day! My students have planned, connived, plotted, and taken care to design this day to be just perfect for their sweethearts...all secretly of course. They are on the verge of busting out as total balls of hormones and this is truly their first Valentines Day that matters...or so they think.

I couldn't help but laugh this morning as I was passing out candy grams. For the past two weeks NJHS has been selling candy grams: Write a message and pick a type of candy and they will deliver it on Valentines Day. I had some students send out 30 and more and some only send a few. The point is, you can confess your undying devotion to someone in your class or another without them even knowing who you are. I just love it because I have had to painfully analyze their hand writing all year long- I now know who every boy in this class is crushing on.

Here are a few of my favorites:

"I like you eye."

"You pretty"

"um um...Happy V-day"


"You are good at sports."

I like the first one the best...he likes her eye- not both eyes...just one. The other one he can take or leave. I also like the nervousness you can sense behind them (i.e. you- not your or um um.)

I got some sweet grams:

"Hi. From Tyler and Alec" (x3...of the exact same thing)

"Happy Valentines Day....My mom wrote that."

So, have a great V-day and grow up a bit- tell your Valentine who you are...



Friday, February 8, 2008

Oops! It just slipped out!

Today was simply hilarious! I cleared the desks out of the way in order to sit on the floor in a literature circle with my class. We have done this before, and they just love the time to sit and be able to talk about what we have already read. I think that they feel more grown up being able to discuss their opinions. I had one student say that he liked it because, "He can't be wrong..." classic.

So we were sitting in our circle and my students were busy jotting down something on their study guides. It was absolutely silent (something that I have spent the entire year working on with my class) as they worked hard. I too was writing and not really watching what they were doing when all of a sudden there was a familiar, yet rather non-kosher noise in the room. We all violently looked up towards the noise. One of my students sitting across the circle from me looked up at me and with the brightest red face I have ever seen and said, "Excuse me." His moment of flatulence sparked a roar of laughter amongst the fifth graders...and their teacher.

In his defense, or more for his encouragement, one of the other students said, "Well, at least it wasn't an S.B.D...Those are just horrible and unfair."

I didn't even attempt to gain control again after a comment like that. We laughed for a solid 10 minutes!

I love fifth grade!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Prayer Requests

So yesterday we were doing prayer requests- not that unusual for my class. My fairly odd student had her hand raised. This is the request that transpired. *students name has been altered for their protection.

Me: "Sarah do you have a request?"

Sarah: "Safe trip to the war."

Me: "The war? Is someone you know going to war?"

Sarah: "Yeah, me....(everyone looking so confused)...the S.E.A. We have to battle. It gets nuts."

Me: still confused "O-oh okay. We will certainly be praying for that."

No explanation. No S.E.A is ______. We just moved on. Later I prompted and she told me that her family is into like those original colonies reenactment groups. I knew that already...She continued to tell me, "One time my parents went to Apple Bee's and no one wanted to serve them because they were in their S.E.A. outfits. My dad was wearing his mail suit and had his sward drawn for all to see."

How could I not laugh a little?! How do people get into stuff like that? Do you wake up one morning and turn to your husband saying, "I can think of nothing hotter than you all dressed up like a peasant!" Pass.

I am thankful for a weekend- its been a long time coming. Happy Friday!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Last night I was asked by a friend if I was going to be one of those post a few and give up bloggers. I do declare- NO! With that inspiration I come to you again in the middle of math class while my students are trying their hardest to pass my test. Hah.

Yesterday was one of the worst days in my professional career. I realize of course that I have had this career for a solid 6 months, but honest to goodness. I was sitting at my desk, all befuddled when one of my students walked up to my desk. This kid is one of those that teachers dread, yet love at the same time. He is the kid who lets the most random thoughts and ideas just pop out of his mouth. At the age of 11 it is sometimes hard for him to make that choice of what is appropriate and what is just plain gross. Yesterdays comment was one of the funniest so far. He has beautiful, black, Asian hair that has needed to be cut for the last 2 months. His mom trims it when he can't see. He comes up to my desk, peals back his bangs and says, "Look Miss P! I am going through poverty. My forehead is covered in pimples!" I lost it. These kiddos are so far away from poverty that they think pimples are an epidemic. I laughingly corrected him by saying, "You mean puberty..." this inspired the girl that sits closest to my desk to blurt out, "Oh I know about puberty- The Big Change." I laughed so hard. I love the pre-pubescent classroom that I work in. I had to get a degree in Elementary Education to deal with that?

Speaking of degrees, I am studying for the GRE over the next semester. I miss school so much. I have reservations of taking the GRE for fear that I am not nearly as smart as I like to think I am. If I take it and do poorly, the jig is up...its McDonald's cashier for me.

Lastly, I decided yesterday to proceed with heart surgery. I am actually excited about it...the thought of having my life back to normal is comforting to me. Why not? I am young. I go in Feb. 12 to talk to the specialist. More to come on that subject.

To all my faithful readers, you are loved- have a blessed day and be glad you are done going through poverty. :o)

Friday, January 25, 2008


To Those of You Who Find My Life Interesting Enough To Continue Reading:
Wow, happy Friday. It's funny how quickly the week passes by when you don't have a normal week! Not having school on Monday literally threw off my whole week. I kept writing the wrong date, I almost forgot to wear chapel clothes on Thursday (that wouldn't have been so bad...)--All in all I loved having the day off :o)

I love the Praises of Children to God. Today I asked my students to offer one praise that happened last night. We went around the room and they said things that they were thankful for that they got to do last ranged from getting to watch the Apprentice to going out to dinner with their families. One of the sweetest girls in my class was thankful that her mom made her Lasagna for dinner. I wish my heart was a little more grateful. What a reminder, huh?

The other awesome thing that happened today was that the PTF bought me a printer! No more trips to the Library to awesome. There really are some sweet perks to working at a school with parents that are as involved as ours are. They really do care.

I am being observed for the first time next week, so this weekend I will be spending some quality time trying to find some good Biblical integrations for energy...blah. Can you believe I have yet to be observed? How do they know I am not the worst teacher ever? At this school they would have heard about it before, I am sure of that...The parents of my students are certainly not shy when they have an opinion about something. I will totally be that mom. :o(

Well, I have to go visit my student who busted up his leg! I have intended to do it all week, but it is just now happening. Story of my short life. I miss college.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

D-D-D-Day 1!

So I used to really be into the whole xanga posting deal in college but pulled away from it because it just created too much drama in my life. HOWEVER, my life is just to funny these days to not post something. I decided that the gmail blogger is way more grown up, so I will give it a whirl...I would be willing to bet money on the fact that only my family will read this- but I can live with that.

So yesterday was the first day back to school since the weekend due to Martin Luther King Jr. (God bless that man!). I had gotten a haircut over the weekend, which for most people is a small part of life. For a teacher, haircuts/dying your hair/any other alteration to your normal appearance is a particularly traumatizing experience for those kids in your classroom who don't do change. I got my hair cut at a place that is completely posh and the difference is pretty outstanding (if I might say so myself...). I spent a significant amount of time styling it on Tuesday morning given that I wanted to sport my new do and be as hot as I felt. My class walked in and sat down. One of my students blurts out, "What happened to your hair?" I smiled and opened my mouth to tell them I had gotten a haircut when he finished it up with, "Did you forget to comb your hair today?" I wanted to stick my head under the sink.

I am shocked as to how sad I am that Heath Ledger died yesterday. My roommates and I decided that we are sad because he was so totally our generation. It pains me to be asked questions about what I consider to be Pop Culture by my students and they stair at me blankly as I explain what movies he was in. To commemorate his life we all wore black- with little blue ribbons on our shirts that say "Smile" because of his great smile. Life just isn't the same without him. I will be having a Ledger movie weekend, I can tell you that much.

I need to go work out, so for now! Peace out!